Thursday, 4 December 2014

Under biology plant morphology quiz

1. Example of virtual fruit is-
(A) Save (B) Guava
(C) common (D) tomatoes

2. There are: coconut and mango fruit
(A) POM (B) Berry
(C) Drup (D) Peepo

3. Akarikiy edible portion of baked-in common
(A) external Flbitti (B) Central Flbitti
(C) Inter Flbitti (D) Flbitti

4. The edible part of the coconut-in
(A) Flbitti (B) endosperm
(C) full seed (D) seed coat

5. The edible portion of the fruit-with lychee
(A) fleshy Pushpasn (B) Aril
(C) Central Flbitti (D) cotyledon

Answer: 1. (A), 2. (C), 3. (B), 4. (B), 5. (B)



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